Do indoor pest repellents work?

In short, ultrasonic pest repellers emit high-frequency sounds that manufacturers say reduce pest infestation in the home, but laboratory tests have shown that most of these devices do not work as advertised, in violation of FTC guidelines. To answer the question, you should seek unbiased information on the topic. There is extensive scientific research on the impact of ultrasonic sound devices on pest activity. Researchers at the University of Arizona examined several studies that proved the claim that ultrasonic pest repellers keep pests away.

The consensus of each study was that ultrasonic pest repellers have little or no impact on pest activity. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) also found that the claims made by some manufacturers are not supported by scientific evidence. The consensus among researchers wondering whether or not ultrasonic pest repellers work is that there simply isn't enough evidence to support claims that they do work. Ultrasonic pest repellers do not provide a useful degree of protection for most pests, KSU tested ultrasonic devices on a number of arthropods, including cat fleas, cockroaches, spiders, crickets and ants, but the result was only a “fair overall effectiveness rating at best”.

What happens to rodents? According to a study published in 1995, ultrasonic rodent repellent devices had a “marginal initial rate of repellency” (30 percent to 50 percent), but no noticeable repellent effect after three to seven days. According to KSU, the ultrasonic pest repeller devices they tested were most effective in reducing the reproductive capacity of the Indian flour moth, which is a common pantry pest. Their tests observed a 46 percent reduction in the number of Indian meal moth larvae produced when these moths were exposed to ultrasound. Is there hope for the future of ultrasonic pest repellers? The UA notes that “the devices developed by the researchers show positive results, but have not yet been marketed.

Stay tuned. After all, these devices can have a useful future in your home. Ultrasonic electronic pest and insect repellent devices claim that their high-frequency sound waves are intolerable to rodents and insects. Early intervention is recommended by hiring a pest control specialist, an exterminator, or using a homemade pest control solution once an infestation occurs in or near your home.

Anthony Esposito, owner of The Bug Reaper Pest Control in Houston, says he has been called to numerous properties where there has been a pest infestation, despite the use of ultrasonic pest control devices. Water can also attract some types of pests indoors, so it's important to deal with leaks or other water problems as soon as you notice a problem. After that, I didn't have a single mouse in the house, until 5 years later, when the repellents ran out and stopped working. Broad-spectrum pesticides often kill everything nearby, including predators who call your yard home.

Another essential element for pest prevention is to seal off any area around your home that may let pests in. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has some suggestions for the most effective pest control options, including chemical treatment and prevention options. I've been using a Pestrol rat repellent in my shed, as I've been seeing droppings everywhere. Anyway, I bought 2 sonic insect repellent devices, I hadn't used chemicals or other methods before using the sonic devices.

However, what doesn't work is a futuristic looking device that sounds so cool and high-tech that you've probably already bought one that's already an ultrasonic pest repeller. Once you know which pest you're trying to avoid, or the one you're trying to get rid of, find out what it eats. While it may seem contradictory, eliminating the use of pesticides or only using specific pesticides for specific problems can also help make your garden less safe for pests. In theory, the sound made by ultrasonic and subsonic pest repellers is so annoying to the target pest that it keeps them away from homes.


Blanche Hochstine
Blanche Hochstine

Extreme internet ninja. Total baconaholic. Subtly charming zombie advocate. Hipster-friendly coffee evangelist. Professional pop culture fanatic.